inky & the muse
And if you ask how I regret that parting? It is like the flowers falling in spring’s end, ...
confused, whirled in a tangle...
two skinny girls
inky notes - nine - minaro Edition
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(unedited notes/dreams, wroted ©️ 2024) by inkrealm (our minaro sponsored notes will be available @ ides of march and beyond... i Then bones wrapped me like wings, same meal five times a day I danced Alexandra. She kissed someone else, Asian girl, atop my stop, hands hey and she tells me making meaning, I thought it was that type of party, awake to sequin memory, Emilee pregnant, Our bath in a belly but I fear— History will not forgive stories in the press insisting: moscow dictator as we choose the same two choices every election isnt it the same in most places. except they dont have a man like recognition putin, I suggest Woolf's Orlando and find a Panzer tale in the process because marcus aurelius lost me at love your fellow man. when I was at neighbor war, fighting to record prelude in e minor opus 28 no.4 for jimmy page after that one ovationizing welk. of course i 'hould 'ave raved for charlotte saved my life in a sense... ii d'alessio the one with a behave arm, i get up my own numb - perhaps from shopping or cricket keira, outside the store, story dream natalie in a suit bright seemingly off to a fashion show it's pages not port - a man pass-anger seat she slides down his zipper from within pants. wizardry. I awake - Alexandra is going to exercise for seven days - the chords, arrived and i lean against persian notes. g, c, am, d, e...i guess key of c or g - already decided to record it only with Guitar- like a plot which organizes to present an alternate history, 312 (all this time won't do) title by emilee- left me weary of multi-tracking... Hollywood has been doing that, i suppose some are intent on the Hoax being kept but one glance tells anyone November 1963 the powers that buzz and bee hive history in blind honey pink Chanel 2103 none of us can wait that long - no it don't matter but Dang it 'hould 'ave always. subjective truth, no sense in denying denials. work in song awaits. the Fable is what remains - let us pray it is not the Lie we are being force-fed by sex media incorporated. iii intent missed soul, sole, seoul, point is upon election eve he could have bombed. Any of their cities to the ground, you 'ould 'ave, saying we are winning, The worry War. Constellation making me watch, for noomi, the alternate, or alternative realities seductive, unlike the plain lie as in once upon a time in Hollywood which faces, contradictions... concerned with nostalgia call the new track zetsubo zafa tattoo parlour for a friend in canada, toronto perhaps montreal. in the dream. i do not have awake three hours after exhaustion, and bizarre trip to pay bill and market...Richard Freiherr von Rosen, they are like wikipedia adding w.h.e. i get to sleep in frenzy confusion. there is an electronic tree, each leaf a screen containing scenes from my relationship to what they call an ex - hex on my mind, aunt knew the danger. "but they don't eat there - do they?" no, not even apple tv can respond to the question... how do you know you are not already dead - iv it is, Of course, not that type of Party. No reference to political organ in session. In fact, no party at all, not even part time - part time sleep awake wondering how the sun slips into a closed Room...literal sweat, nothing sweet in dream - I should be promoting our new songs - Maybe I miss too much as it made it feel for a While that it all made sense - Alexandra quotes the rabbi quoting Jesus and I SMH not for the locals, but imagine love your neighbor as your gaza strip. Still, I like her success as It makes me feel accomplished. Pentagram jeans in Druid Sam days, green symbol, no envy - her twin stars of davy upon Levi's hip Rock. Restless and hungry I Rolled out another tune - the Vault pretty happy to have it flexed... three chords entwined with bebop notes, "TEMPERE" - hell's ink heaven said because in confronting myself with what is the cap 'o finlandia i missed helsinki by miles - but Yes also for the word play Aspect. Geography, always suspected now confirmed, my weakness. land 'o lakes capitool of bread- Basically the commission said, the first lady's dress cannot be used as evidence or revealed. Nobody, not even in quiz town, had any questions. v i cannot say because i do knot Know, how the day actually fried such irony. In joy, track goal all done plus one, flummoxed deity - versions of goddess and vampire party... to be greeted by picnic insanity! what did macron say - three cats in hall dream - mother at bath i thought maybe it's the jesus candle, a day of mourning yet my roll out the barrel excitement cannot be contained... in thoughts that have yet to fully grasp, further irony kate was it karla's birthday estelle is victoria;s. no, wonder axe players abbreviate within a box. Recording and mixing are not talents, guess work, you find - reason at one hit wounders whereas in song writing. I partly felt this time around that chords are all one needs - feeling deaf i borrowed beethoven seventh...the notes are already in the shapes, yet even in the arranged solo struggle i still wanted to adorn jerry's resting place with grateful praise... i get to the house early, we go to a restaurant - she says i hate eating here... Aleksandra in mind with her lovely mother and little sister- how can AP news even dare to hint that this has occurred beef ore? Social media never felt so vital. I know who you are an' what league you played in... fifteen hundred dollars...they said five k, how long before we dismantle the monetary system- slow train; it costs more to store the food than to give it, crazy train; millions of people living as foes, purple mountain majesty across the fruited plains... for perfect tone use columbia needles, Ot yuzhnyh morei do polyarnogo kraya Raskinulis' nashi lesa i polya. (From the southern seas to the polar extremity Our forests and fields are in bloom...) vi The room, not school although "home" room in dream monday day off dreaming. All white, the clean bone, Animal skeleton in museum white, all my things are gone except the dresser, a radio atop also whitened, despite thinking Jupiter, space travel four moons, I find myself in 3k argument cassettes and man spilling water... dreams of my furniture, idk, wtf... Avoiding everything I continued sleeping and the ironic point in ello co was the lost captions when requesting archive they did not respond - some art too, i suppose. in any case, why lament - i try a nocturne and when the, Emotions match the key I am going to record it, as a counterpart to the prelude... it is nice to take a day. To take it as if a special sale deal, dear Lea now dearer as presented herself character without words left me speechless - re, kursk film. she was more russian than russian. more human than human... indeed I am the nexus-one... this scroll also breathes at hbd, alivia. vii Burroughs had DE, a way, if you will of Acting. I had, for a while. Another type of DE, delovely ex, nothing Cole Porter, the kind of ditty that invokes the Spring. subliminal hint, shop my shop. deluxe de-lovely in dream I was about, enslaved to remorse, we have the chains, why not use 'em but excommunicated reight before waking into new hours baltimore bridge leading into suckerpunch stances, what stanzas the report said british woman gored by Himalayan yak During everest hike. Constellation nearly too good. i went into unlocked for more noomi, ra! (was a sun god) -i- pace myself into promoting the latest songs where the sandwich and the salad were perhaps telling the dj. i would eat out her ice box, until it was empty or melted - was going beyond the call of contradicting fidelity ergo ejacualte for wife whitewash spurt rock and roll ghosts. i want to cover words of love daria went full metal jacket diabolical i was hungry too despite an orange, two olives, and a slice of bread... viii dear readers, my apologies - somehow i opted to wait upon the release of 'goddess' (lyric at vsco) to continue these explorations i am not happy to report that the delay has yet to find any case, two versions of the track should be available in a loosely defined soon not to mention v.e.clem which is also on the back burner...meanwhile if you are starving for skinny girls, no relation to bare naked ladies, material - scroll down for a live take of oh sister. ix (lyric and chords for OSPEW) verse/chorus wisdom hand magic touch held dream thin as fire our death still in a scream sometimes remembering by candle light bell chimes like your sandal shuffle right left the world our burning love ocean sand prints the eternal wave moon pours out sunrise’s yellow grave other times deja vu kiss we feel hell of now these moments we steal theft the world elevation above lennon singing nobody told me ther’d be days like these walrus blind lust sold nothing prayer knees sometimes in voodoo rock and roll we are free heaven in ruins like notre dame or me bereft the world without true love theft the world elevation above left the world our burning love wisdom hand magic touch held dream thin as fire our death still in a scream sometimes remembering by candle light bell chimes like your sandal shuffle right left the world our burning love left the world our burning love __________________________ chords, G - A - B ♭ - D9 - D x "definitions" lyric: caught the telephone ringing all alone tell the sunshine hey wait for the evening winner winner chicken dinner grateful dead song spinner flashback evil knivel flying wheels pepper mill chorus got my definitions underlined got that lust in front of her it’s right behind next to her sides it’s like my soul she rides it’s like my soul she rides lyric 2 hours headline like minutes desire holds me like iron boots questions query curious answer lies the truth is only felt in a purr lyric 3 I put the receiver down I hear the echo around town.. xi. lyric for "veclem" eye keep my word even where nothing was said instrumental song i heard it’s a wedding march it was april, were we wed? high fidelity daildialler, as modern as tomorrow russians at brandeburg gate without love its a cyanide capsule tornow jets even the dogs to fate jigsaw hall waltzing all evidence circumstantial high fidelity daildialler, as modern as our sorrow australia search party raves the spirit of virginia e clemm in my dreams beyond the graves how many years how many tears tasmanian brunette maybe all of them high fidelity daildialler, as modern as tomahrow (asking about this language of tiger mist and tale tell neon signs i tell you the plot of easy rider is the same as in turn the page or one of her glances like those theatrical lines) high fidelity high fidelity daildialler, daildialler, daildialler, modern as tomorrow… as modern as sorrow. -out now !! !! !! as well as two versions of "goddess"- 3 & 6 dream notes resume domani, ciao, bella. xii The recording, waveform 12 although "home" the track wasnt empty my lament at the impossible first take. goddess that is or was, second take delivery sirena door, i fiddled notes before third take not as on, more ballad than intended. four and five trying for time arriving at six, but i don;t sing the same without holding the axe - the full story of that song... well that is a novel, i might not get to write... in any case, cover is praise vulcan's wife - because i owe Him a poem. java jolted i noted third earthquakes in new april york i think i made friends with def and grace - she lost pick, hella died. foreign correspondent, rose glascock - no erection for films now, still at lucy in the sky with hale yup pll season one, as bad as it gets - the ppl of cali are lucky to have her... had no idea about joshua tree until. my point is you have an obvious star, why make her work seven years on a soap operaesque triviality tease from which there is no escape - so anti-meritorious. . i like the word transnistria... not sure about the place, pridnestrovian... otherwise thinking about tits. i ask myself if i really love emilee. why still the i heard today i only have eyes for tits, i mean you... This is derailing, jokerman dance trisapol city do you like my records? perhaps it is distance, what am i standing here for? ah yes dreams, but peek the broken handcuff tattoo aurora anarchy has on her tits, i didnt mean to put down karli mergenthaler - or to like melanie marie's breast... not as on, dream pool woman with three tits. like a strap across her chest - i was playing, lost my martin, asked stood in a room where funny fat women moaned - raising their hands until wet dream... sweatpants i have not worn... more concerned with my six string - bully men take no note - lock the door. i wait then awake to find my acoustic still there. alec baldwin got his patience stolen, again - more recent scene, switzerland guitar. fifty frets, ten dollars - i walk over to emilee, is this alright she reaches red purse for money but i explain that i am asking for her permission - i got the bullets... i get up feeling the fakes wanting her safety net. i finalize the details of her portrait, nearly done now upon my wall. there's talk from kinsky vienna klimt thirty million but i cant translate cover my two room windows with aluminum foil - felt shot down and hobbled last walk. . i listen to tore down... regret my tone is more freddie, than slwohand... that is, when simply strumming here. a bunch of new chord progressions. no new songs, i argue with her...but i love her more than tits. i dream she writes me three notes, gives them to me... i lay me down at the foot of the ash tree instead of reading i am mesmerized by fluttering things of a tan disposition, a spider web with two spiders and an army of perhaps ants crawling away from the under bush - i think for a minute it is from my's all i can think about for some time hoping she has returned to me... meanwhile i think i made friends with eliott easton. i get instagram but start looking for signs... i delete the app knowing there is no way i can digest all the content in context without misplacing logic even if it accents loneliness. i had not seen my satanic ritual art for odeya rush in a while...hmm out of the blue the hint of maria neverova but i have no idea why...i suspect the boundary problem with some family members but why riot against the to fight nasal congestion instead... play my scales, sandwich and chips... wait for emilee most likely in vain. i swear sometimes i think even keira is jealous. surely i have said too much and i won't call you shirley again. xiii sunday was saying kfc and sunday was saying pizza i look at leah and recall emilee would commit a crime for a plate of pasta... cleaning up as little as possible i fix the noodles and watch the show - well i only listend to one episode while cleaning and cooking then viewd the following one ending in lab mice cages.. .pages of skin in a bikini dream i glide my hand under the latex which is surprisingly flexible the girl has beauty mark on her right and as i feel down to a shaved wax center it occurs to me that i was with someone else a minute go yet could not recall the details... she seems to smile but i wake up nearly worried that i have not been true to my desire...perhaps it was staying up late wondering over t he daytona news about the man at the holiday inn reportedly offd himself to avoid a hit and run incident... i suppose for the possible meanings and obviously the fact that no one tells when you rent a room in most cases that something like that happened...didn't go out but thought about that other walk, the dream that day had been about someone upset making dogs pay for the anger... several poor pups, some where slammed and others where thrown out the window... i myself threw a few dollars at ocean protocol, everytime i think to get golem i hear led zep the evil one, ramble on - do i continue this path into season two... i can't really decide - on the one hand the list of films to watch is rising but it gives me something to look ahead to and on the other hand i had wanted to see all the lucy hale in action...for titty fans there is the horizontal dude, but my favorite was a cinderella story once upon a song...i wonder if it was eiza competition... looking at the date. looking at the hour it doesn't feel alike midnight. oklahoma had it awful last night i noticed while reading about cambodia... munitions, my music oh yeah that one was sort of cool in a quirky way... not the twenty dead, but 'all i wanted'... hopefully one day we can come up with something to rival 'roll out the barrel'... meanwhile please consider more safety on baltimore roads for people driving home after a ten hour work day... i remember emilee and keira both spoke about the anxiety - in their case before - i was more concerned later over the curtained econoline - travel is necessary but truck stops and parking lots aint good for much, in that sense my mind was much eased given that soon after the salon shut down they were sort of together again - listening to macbeth, as i do once in a while, screw your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail, i had a vision of her aunt... not sure what it meant last week when i felt no hunger at hopelessness - maybe the words to so you wanna be a rock and roll star are more than lyrics "a little insane"... contrast cypress "shits funny how impossible dreams manifest"... hill, long nights after peck macarthur i kept seeing myself in fatigues a reoccurring dream from which i rose not knowing if we were conquering or had been overwhelmed by the forces holding the hill. xiv the last pill i saw her take, hinted at being in love with her style. so much so as to desire reincarnation, before and after, leaving my lust in . the Dust. I suppose, what do i do with my love, the dream says nothing, or there is no bus no seductive suv, two beat up pick up trucks a motley crowd deformed and dreary I am about to get onto, metallic bed... imagining eternity on the wrong road i sigh - lies what are they if the mind is true north. car ol in a char lotte. shots fired so new i wish i knew no more. sour reminder 'put everything you own here on this seat' i really should be more bitter yet can't help my in the bliss of being me. well when i can escape ape planet. people posers, scape throat shouts threatening tranquility et cetera.. i shave, going on a bizarre diet to shake the hovering ghost of take a shit instead of ejaculating - the yen slides unable to keep track of the toilet times, it's a long way to the top going down the road feeling bad...ozzy confronted by put Ja he's us in front you replies we don't kill today... god has a hard on for marines because we kill everything we see... lincoln county road or armaggedon? xv have i misled, you, myself, at joy bliss - as if i don't need want adore. Her, it's that the torment torture 'ould 'ave, well too much, The worry to say. Translate it as obsession, perhaps thralldom, chained to serving, her, well the idea of her...looking at pictures pondering, the last ones made me uneasy, frantic... concerned with perception, consequences. my soul too quick to judge my possessiveness too trigger happy it's only in my mind, yet married to imagination's novelty never antiquated. in the dream aquarium. i am designing or redesigning cover art i think she is saying something, perhaps again my wishful thinking i went to sleep at ten...morning, after the mourning and the irony of a criminal with the same name. as someone in the family, venice i turn over waking confronted beach by who or what makes me play 'dirty laundry'... it's three or so, rainy but not cool - i assure you i'm not, loving her blind of course there is a chance she hates me. maybe there are two of her one that needs me and one that makes my knees sneeze. bless you emilee both... he grins at the line, all this sure- yet what exactly can she do with all this devotion or even love? at least her teacher gave her ten dollars - once upon a time...besides if she was sitting here next to me would i still be into it. itself. maybe, that bush is why said knowing humans and fish can coexist in peace, did her lifestyle imply mermaid. joy to the world all the boys and girls, take my advice or you'll curse the day you started rollin' down that lost highway... 'I want you to get a fuckin' driver's manual, and I want you to study that motherfucker!" xv s'ure there were lessons too. i suppose i could, instruct her on laziness - thoughts crawl, red legged thru maze outside of logic, yet to make certain, these two seemingly days i could spend more time for her - carli i said fucking of course i miss the point down pull the details who would risk. nickolodean jam master - oh nobody looks at that sort of- irony -yet the volusia watermark zone, instead of knight or saint i dream sitcom. telling someone i'm oldfashioned actually a pull over top dress borderline slander i need you to the impossible. tailgate- you might ask what does he want record, not much really- her salvation in case the truth can indeed be twisted like the word extremist, (he plays Asus2 Dmaj9 and G) to sing what memory rings - "isis" "who do you love" "wide open" mojo... medley med mera, tint my tangled hair print my declaration again for her which is starting to sound more unconditional than i want it to bee honey steak aunt buzz yet i'm still in a worry dream a blur perhaps her- ancient architecture yet awaking to mind foe as if temple. skull, no sense church. maggots trying to joint transaction. i can't stand the thought of being foolish- the laughingstock of missed reflections wanker won't miss pretty little liars voting not to carry on further. they 'hould 'ave stopped too and let lucy shine. lucifer lighters torch up religious smokes. nothing is true everything is permitted - shaving why do the blades suddenly all right. the defintion of ride or die appears at arm. no exit escape, what shape is this poetry if it is not also prose. no exit escape, who is this man that needs her from head to her toes... xvi he wants to edit that line - who is this man in such need of her from her head top down to her toes... octopus ceviche finds him wondering - siderewicz, barbara osf. overwhelming sensation, he listens as if ears stumbled he lies as if it has been three days of love me emilee time is not indeed, time is the evil beloved the hours ours - in fact three years like nothing before - jewish girl saying palestine does not exist vanished - marriage is between a man and a whoa it's hip now to anti semi truck but that road has always been in style- curb my polo ticks, again i am apple lick tickle. he is walking a duck in his parlor? no doubt his favorite, ask the rabbi if i can brand myself like her oxen cattle instead of tat... it is crowded at the airport make way for the president of the republic they say but contra israel protest confronts the crossing from the front- feels like dreaming in a sardine can, take me to sardi's - awake no rest our aunt hill i meant - kenya stop, why does magua hate the gray hair so much, keira dawn it's not only "teeth" the whole record is divine - die monster die, re - nearly stepping on australian soil i feel genocidal, yes only raspberryemi !! !! this ain't rock n roll - magua understands the white man is a dog to his women...penny dreadful wes, studying my role - katie bar the door - bark delivery hark - yes i feel like the last of the mohicans, what are we eating emily, the blood of our enemies. Magua will eat his heart... Children under the knife...Seed wiped out forever... of course in a casual manner, protocol you see...still, to give myself away at unrequited love makes Dante nudge Virgil 'at least i actually looked at Beatrice once upon a time' well i do declare, i never. any nairobian even thinking about nine year old charlie horse won't make it - or i'll come back and kill every one of you sons of bitches. xvii it is, more accurate. unrequested love. what the hell might one reply - rickles never really told a joke. In fact, mostly truths. i want to stick it to D & V, but my thoughts are crowded with song lyrics, not my own and lines from scipts embedded like stars in the sky mind but lookit, no i have not beheld the object bitch of my adoration yet you never got to see beatrice post on social media, so it evens out. in. the white album revolution - i can't help it - how you feel is how you feel - number nine, what am i asking - not much- nothing in fact nothing to prove - i animate counterrevolutionaries for wordstar her nexus begging i suppose you'd call it - never let me goooooo... nothing else doing nothing done eyeliner, i'm shocked worry all night at her annoying altar. Still, illogical yet it must throw the opposition into chaos. omfg he really means it even as dreams flicker, i feel the envy - you got something better, you got a heart of stone... dream knife door invasion Rolled out wallet - voodoo mojo on the floor someome is looking at my Zara... like food - haunted later as if still, serving a warrant search - here in my headquarters self reserved for her or myself knowing the never us like a dream playing basket nike air one - broke then the woman with circle heel. wood, center nailed handing them to now confirmed, my confusion. how to high heel sneaker? thoughts of her no doubt- wake up to find you are the eyes, of the girl, world spins notice i did not wish her here. The, invitation was not to force, indeed an option of freedom, well of freedom chained to love's rioting addiction. mifnight twelve ten scarlet magnolia. mignite weird 288 dead, the recording from a marching '88. waht is fate. who is she like wine. tell me, does it sound like whining in my wound up caffeine nicotine wisdom. fuck it, i already went the distance, perhaps twice, a couple of hours and i can say it again i'm just like you it's two in the morning and i don't know nobody. xviii The day, sun anxiety any hint of semen "home" who me and even illiterate. All become instant experts, olivia babin kills danny for a coat, i got to sleep vision street ambulance content having, not turned love over on the badbed, to introduce battering ram but still, how are incest and religion, on the menu, the phone rings i can ony imagine eva died... dreams of cousins, tweedle dee ... tweedle dum then uncle a sort of clone copy since we have no speak since i can't recall they don't like dates, give it about half a decade, literally not seen since long ago xmas somehow i manage to - fantasy fuck, i suppose. but awake to lucy hale - i don't know how to have imaginary friends, Emotions if I love Emilee rain, love reign over me... of course yes even if it happens... i am going to say it is unrequired love. go on pity the circus fool, playing at damn this foil ain't sticking to the window feel imagination censored no invite to met gala i order camphor the valued file distinguishes... meanwhile pre-recorded men... replay bully snub nose gun for hat the invisible man was right every pitfall trick in the book. you are sure to find on the way to western lands. i wrote "homage" canto in minutes three versions, in the quick turns recently typo found 34b should read 32d. yes i mean the knockers...thirty two delovely. if they tell you i died and they were looking through the place for evidence, ask what knife stabbed through the door. (post-script, as i ate my turkey sandwich, swallowing my pepsi in the lament of also not having met john huston or mae west, but happy to have not interacted with oj i recalled that i wish wanted to actually start this prose-poem with the line, i have not used witchcraft to get a grant, one of my mothers, who died of loop us, gave me that mojo i dreamt as being floored... obviously, given that her and keira admitted to hexan hexes, it could be that i am under a spell - or as mackenzie put placed it can somebody tell this bitch nobody likes her... in any case, i don't think that is the case. she had me ever since you look like like my friend fletcher...) xix handshake. hair cut K,now, how the meatloaf raven such irony. dream still haunts back tattoo wings, like egyptian - etching of goddess or no basement party... i am time travel machine typing! logic? - that was hanging as kid this guantanamo - red crate man traded maybe for the raided i didn;t use hotel california shoot simply over bad vibes at first thought...allen told me best thought, thirst one. sorry i can't chronologic order, i cant see any reason of hoax but i'm not stepping foot in aussie, suddenly the stories tee emo bombs away homonymous. boy that was hard as hell.ngl. where was i homonym, i love toes retweet cali govt mid april into cologne he calls perfume, i'm sort of a perfume whore. my word horde is from memory. having gone haywire deleting when ugh door doctor ily. billy they don't like you to be so free. i hit london with paralyzed neighbor downstairs nearly insane with worry. landed to hear their farm a see contraption has no balance. other place is closed shut. and teh customer service receptionist at the everybody is rich nation is late. i hope kyle fared better. dear em, how miss some of those postings. so i suppose this is like the time she read from her ten year old diary. annoying but in a very cool hot sexy girlboss way... tells me she never cried for milk as a baby, she only cried for me. i believe everything she tells me, don't call my hoe a bitch. i wonder if she knows i phoned the salon once. nervous at mya couldn't bring myself to query for her. nearest i came to speaking to the most weautiful bowman i ever seen. woman beautiful, so you can understand even if she were by my side i would think it a dream. a lie i tell myself in the post modern tragedy we all pretend is going to work out in some future none of us will be there to prom land promise, maybe in spirit perhaps. at least the six year putin plan is in place. xx it is, more accurate. if this about my. soul what the hell might one reply - i dont want it without her. otherwise, no logic porn. i's research stick it to millions, they do so evenly crowded one cannot escape it, if a tree falls in the forest... but lookit, as i have it kate cut her hair, i was shocked then how i loved those locks she reddened, i was then shellshocked traum. in german means dream. the trauma now eased - molly the latest cut - how you feel is a national holiday - tgi not hymn - moonlight sonata- notes piano playing the post i perhaps lament most - not having is moonstone ring index finger, that divine hand... white stone if memory serves- dream ejaculates pearls upon her hand... yes i did give her a diamond solitary man twice neil i would kneel but for the unbending stars upon. knees, presto agitato it curves like a ferrari going ninety. miles an hour down a dead end street i get up, middle of the wee hours clean - seven may turns eight, a woman writes me... she's happy i don't want nudes question nuns at mall selling trinkets - i tell her i desperately need someome to speak with... like food - but i am in love with ms grant, i can't believe my own inner ear - bonehead committed to a an ethereal lesbian pressing send i see she has three humans sketched on her bicep ferris wheel photograph not much time - later haul with lauren lauren. can you tell i'm not a hat person now confirmed, by the sea lauren. i see wearing a three kitten tee... she is or was at one time - her favorite, way out within, of the girls, notice i did not filter or prohibit. The, idea is poetry, indeed make it new, well of day by day - tell of so i say. but yes the diffidence that faltered... like Spain, I'm bound to the past. do you feel lucky, punk? sunk brazil by jings he done did it. way out within; white mansions - waylon jennings - funny thang, when i wandered through the run away from deletion, as if on the lam from myself (as these notes prove) i could not have foreseen it would come to this, embracing kiss through air as only she could make it timeless. the limo is waiting, sleep cadillac. nap chevrolet. snooze volkswagon. if she happens to tell you oh him he even listens to the princess and pauper soundtrack for me he will have no comment but maybe a howl. way out within. xxi lyric 1872 - two skinny girls Take this summer, put it on the mary celeste boat Take this summer, oh genoa now women got the vote Take this summer, all the way to italy end quote Tell them greasy grant beat greeley Tell them boston went down in flames easy If thye asks you, it was the lava bed wars If they ask you, i didnt find the lost river If they ask you this land is forever scarred Tell them ol greeley couldnt take it Tell them ol greeley went and died If they ask you, i was dreamin If they ask you, i was dreamin yeah If they ask you, i was dreamin Tell them volcano knows my name; i'm here in my uniform making love' Tell them the ship hit rough waters; i'm bout to take off my glove' They wanna jealous me all contrary and ornery yeah They wanna jealous me contrary and ornery They wanna jealous me contrary and ornery But I got my sweet patron saint; every prayer neat, without a complaint. xxii lyric -counterrevolutionaries-2sknnygirls chained flowers bloom ghosts leave grave longing virginia e clemm embracing edgar allan poe's doom i feel baltimore and the sea within a dream of flesh hidden in her nightgown the moonstone rings aint no walls, laws like gender (hey lois clark) either or, pronoun, pro war legal tender ( highway lanes) nietzche's horse uber saddle mist kremlin fights the antichrist after every injection! hey charlie, what satisfaction? aint no walls, laws like gender (yeah lois clark) either or, pronoun, pro war legal tender ( highway lanes hey) kinks calling themselves captain america (telephone superman) miss hynde responds (it aint me ) no cars only drones in uk-raine we don't know why no cars only drones in ukrain,e we don't know why mailer stabbed his wife rip torn held the hammer maidstone breathing strife the castle in the forest where only death follows lifE. aint no walls, laws like gender (yeah lois clark) either or, pronoun, pro war legal tender ( highway lanes hey hey ah) xxiii i dream read magazine art icicle the picture which bears a resemblance of her (there is talk of jail, like elvis hearing press conference sirens- i think, are they coming to get me...) awake to walk through words. no desire for anything except her. the day fills and refills itself with procrastination... steak rice next day into pizza. no dream. hints of arguments. shades of gloom. despair at cinema hug. what have i got myself into. in two. in too much intuition. still love tells itself as i imagine her tits are like Simonetta Vespucci under telescopic mascara lashes blink bank hank i'm so lonesome i could cry...but it ain't that type of film...paranoid. bohemian rhapsody. yer blues. just a gigolo...there's nobody... nobody not even the rain has such small hands...just a minute a go i was electrified art at heart forever. flying back from shadow flight to see her sip spicy watermelon fresca at bar louie no relation to the kingsmen she put on the new year eve dress this time nails painted red dribking, i haven't dribked since elsa had the baby - circa easter maybe it is filled with jealousy... sure sure i made promises before but it weren't me disappeared. like baudelaire's money they were off on their own spending minutes away from my hours - i understand emilee might vanish too, but i can't, not even for a second, start to think oh now they get it...Baudrillard, aint no aphrodisiac like being innocent. there's vulgarity at the table when i sat to eat. i run. baffled i figure it was mae west singing too hot to handle. teetotaler pepsi oh fuck another round of dirty laundry down at the sunset grill freaked out by farmer's daughter 1920's doorway dress window my new bedchamber the kleenex ants worry remote where i sense sister instead of wife i mean life. song. i hear them. no wonder they shut down ello, people were asking... me i was asking what else they are hiding... i put petrol dollars into my private plane. tell the flight attendant she cant wear that mini skirt this might be my regular rounds and i can't be distracted by legs. already too distracted by fellini poster la dolce vita in lost 3k abode, io ricordo or is it anita ekberg translated as downstairs. nobody left to run with anymore, i think of Caravaggio out of breath as his paintings sail out to sea, what do i title Emilee s portrait... xxiv name it "we will fry your balls in olive oil - emilee by inky" vsco, posted a few minutes ago... it is oil, acrylic, metallic ink, and sea salt on wood... 11 x 13 °∆ (it's a line from the master caravaggio, i thank munch as well. if heaven exists, i would ask it to let in bernard pivot...) xxv so long the day the day so long )she doesnt death think, except to hope it;s what would be to serve a loved one... friend, some type (of mystic mermaid stoic stance, like cage for his kids in arcadia- i think, i see the last stop at yuma county...) weird now returning to cinema words. post lucy hale concentration aint camping. nelumbo nucifera itself a whip lotus sigil... i don't exactly see the point, dying. woody said it awesome. i don't mind but i don't want to be. there when it happens. shades of me say well i want to have a will in place and then buried somewhere in ireland. in the dream the sold house once haunted. a spout container. breaks. in that persona i actually tell myself take a sip to see if there are shards... taste tongue spits out glass. recall voodoo dude eating a glass goblet like common place fruit. i could cry...if over sisters gall bladder...i am removed... i have that ancient. number. brando tango paris...there's nobody... awake and i have to wait years to even figure it out - green grapes a lifetime later now in fridge. songs my mother fought me. what was it, i just open the fridge and i'm happy... i'm not happy going overtime into the overdrive of me-aning awning of language is a virus from outer space, i haven't found anybody to speak with - so if you meet me and i can't... exactly shut up... well, that's why they wroted dont start me talkin' or if one wanted to get stoned start me up and i'll never stop - longs the day so, songs they say know, antedote now they get it...lonely is the squire, night dyer cafe he says billy, rock star. over the hills and far away new york village now a portal put in place. time zones, save me from zooms and loudspeakers. wiretap at senile mother and aunt the mental landmines of losing the living baffles even the death in me - harry the pervert says, well if they unremember, i'm sticking my slide ruler right up that whole lotta lottery bingo. and more than the minimum wage to be a caretaker or nurse yippee... ahem. i digress, once upon a time apparently interpreted as excavation... a yabba do time... pervet the news harry who, don't you wish it was fred and barney, news... so called homeboy said i ain't waiting... neck belt bounce between two scars... commentized as it's always the same guy not even upon repeated listens at rawhide did it occur to me even in drastic times. kick a bitch in the head radio sends out copycat airwaves ourselves not would not report it, in fear of we won't lightbulb ideas in the crazed prowl crawl oh so just walk behind them and a wop bop a loo bop a lop bam bam... i guess i'm thinking about the death penalty, but then the abortion argument it was a son michael... this one time i'm gonna type the lyric within the text - oh look what you done to this rock and roll clown...uhm, demi it means dont ease me in - from the grateful dead adopted by the adaptable two skinny girls intro from frankenstein - if you know you know - mae clark as elizabeth lavenza... "listen, you must have faith in me Elizabeth wait my work must come first even before you. at night the wind howls in the mountains there's no one here. prying eyes can't peer into my secrets. what can he mean..." Don't ease, don't ease, don't ease me in I've been all night long coming home Don't ease me in I was standing on the corner Talkin' to Miss Grant When I turned around, sweet lord She was way across town So I'm walking down the street got a smoke in my hand been looking for a salon, sweet lord Ain't got two call Don't ease, don't ease, don't ease me in I've been all night long coming home Don't ease me in girl I love, she's sweet and true You know that the dress she wears, sweet lord It's pink and blue she brings me coffee You know she brings me tea She brings about every damn thing I swear I'm gettin' her the jailhouse key... xxvi (exile's letter, -from pound's translation of li bai- two skinny girls) Sokin of Rakuho, oh ancient friend, I now remember you built me a special tavern, By the south side of the bridge . With yellow gold and white jewels we paid for songs and laughter, And we were stoned for month on month, forgetting the kings and princes. Intelligent men came drifting in, from the sea and from the west border, And with them, and with you especially, there was nothing at cross-purpose; And they made nothing of sea-crossing or of mountain-crossing, and only they could be of that fellowship. And we all spoke out our hearts and minds … and without regret. And then I was sent off to South Wei, smothered in laurel groves, And you to the north of Raku-hoku, Till we had nothing but thoughts and memories in common. tween us. And when separation had come to its worst We met, and travelled together into Sen-Go Through all the thirty-six folds of the turning and twisting waters; Into a valley of a thousand bright flowers … that was the first valley, then into ten thousand valleys full of voices and pine-winds. and With silver harness and reins of gold, Out came the East-of-Kan boatswain and his company; And there came also the “True-man” of Shi-yo to meet me, Playing on a jewelled mouth-organ. In the storied houses of San-Ko they gave us more Sennin music; Many instruments, like the sound of young phœnix broods. And the boatswain of Kan-Chu, intoxicated, danced because his long sleeves Wouldn’t keep still, with that music playing. And I, wrapped in brocade, went to sleep with my head on his lap, And my spirit so high that it was all over the heavens. And before the end of the day we were scattered like stars or rain. scattered like stars or rain... I had to be off , far away over the waters, You back to your river-bridge. And your elder, who was brave as a leopard, Was governor in Hei Shu and put down the barbarian rabble. And one May he had you send for me, despite the long distance; And what with broken wheels and so on, I won’t say it wasn’t going hard … Over roads twisted like sheep’s guts. And I was still going, late in the year, in the cutting wind from the north, And thinking how little you cared for the cost … and you caring enough to pay it. and what a reception! Red jade cups, food well set, on a blue jewelled table; I was stoned, and had no thought of returning; And you would walk out with me to the western corner of the castle, To the dynastic temple, with the water about it clear as blue jade, With boats floating, and the sound of mouth-organs and drums, With ripples like dragon-scales going green grassy on the water, Pleasure lasting, with courtezans going and coming without hindrance, and the willow-flakes falling like snow, And the vermilioned girls getting drunk about sunset, And the water a hundred feet deep reflecting green eyebrows— Eyebrows painted green are a fine sight in young moonlight, Gracefully painted—and the girls singing back at each other, Dancing in transparent brocade, And the wind lifting the song, and interrupting it, Tossing it up under the clouds. And all this comes to an end, And is not again to be met with. I went up to the court for examination, Tried Layu’s luck, offered the khoyu song, got no promotion, And went back to the East Mountains white-headed. And once again we met, later, at the South Bridge head. yes the crowd broke up—you went north to San palace. And if you ask how I regret that parting? It is like the flowers falling inspring’s end, confused, whirled in a tangle. What is the use of talking! And there is no end of talking— There is no end of things in the heart. I call in the boy, Have him sit on his knees here to seal this, And send it a thousand miles, thinking. xxvii The day sun, sun day although "here" no dream felt her drift away. All white, cloud rain, skeleton drops in, my first nickname so you know, her love atop pheobe tonkin, sapphic Jump scare, to see her erotic, I find a thousand knives cassetted in chest rewinding... playback of my desire, idk, wtf... map of china slides off the wall I continued in the mayhem as if insane. settle down into captions - why does it hurt so despite the no chance - knowledge, i do the dishes. mop dead sons, from why lament - floor nocturne dawn, fuck them kids modesty blaise no maybe perhaps bell book and candle, can't believe how good the steak... takes the salt. To say then in the remnants, of madness yes but you don't do much if you are thinking of her. modus opera and i yeah but that means i'm satisfied. der holle rache i ain't no holler back girl - this shit is bananas same meal five times he says. no more, i roar... cornered by nietzsche... beyond good and evil Not that you lied to me but that I no longer believe you - that is what has distressed me. devil deal well she's the boss girlboss, god zeal i get up a little while ago neverova in my thoughts putin. mention suze as muse all those years ago; goddess. hence soviet stamp on handwroted lyric but i'm terrible at balancing paris blues like sofia but catalan safe for now, emilee please let me obituary party... no. sorry corman. no glot clom fly day... of course the first second i feel thinking of her not much else does math, love makes all else trivial. soulless leftovers await. no i am not trying to make sense, dear readers, it's only a mind breathing here an inhale there an exhale. bound to fail, but a few lines can't ever be tanned by either sun as they remain pale...nearly untamed at see through in the timeless whenever there is ever. xviii lyric 1871 two skinny girls from oliver's translation mostly) As I was floating down unconcerned Rivers I no longer felt myself steered by the haulers: Gaudy Redskins had taken them all for targets Nailing them naked to coloured stakes. I cared nothing for all my crews, Carrying Flemish wheat or English cottons. along with my haulers those uproars were done with The Rivers let me sail downstream where I pleased. Into the ferocious tide-rips Last winter, more absorbed than the minds of children, I ran! And the unmoored Peninsulas Never endured more triumphant clamourings The storm made bliss of my sea-borne awakenings. Lighter than a cork, I danced on the waves Which men call eternal rollers of victims, For ten nights, without once missing the foolish eye of the harbor lights! Sweeter than the flesh of sour apples to children, The green waters penetrated my pinewood hull washed me clean of the bluish wine-stains and the splashes of vomit, Carrying away both rudder and anchor. And from that time on I bathed in the Poem Of the Sea, star-infused and churned into milk, Devouring the green azures; where, entranced in pallid flotsam, A dreaming drowned man sometimes goes down; Where, suddenly dyeing the bluenesses, deliriums the slow rhythms under the gleams of the daylight, Stronger than alcohol, vaster than music Ferment the bitter rednesses of love! I have come to know the skies splitting with lightnings, and the waterspouts And the breakers and the currents; I know the evening, And Dawn rising up like a flock of doves, And sometimes sometimes I have seen what men have imagined they saw! I have seen the low-hanging sun speckled with mystic horrors. Lighting up long violet coagulations, Like the performers in very-antique dramas Waves rolling back into the distances their shiverings of venetian blinds! I have dreamed of the green night of the dazzled snows The kiss rising slowly to the eyes of the seas, The circulation of undreamed-of saps, And the yellow-blue awakenings of singing phosphorus! I have followed, for whole months on end, the swells Battering the reefs like hysterical herds of cows, Never dreaming that the luminous feet of the Marys Could force back the muzzles of snorting Oceans! I have struck, do you realize, incredible Floridas Where mingle with flowers the eyes of panthers In human skins! Rainbows stretched like bridles Under the seas' horizon, to glaucous herds! I have seen the enormous swamps seething, traps Where a whole leviathan rots in the reeds! Downfalls of waters in the midst of the calm And distances cataracting down into abysses! Glaciers, suns of silver, waves of pearl, skies of red-hot coals! Hideous wrecks at the bottom of brown gulfs Where the giant snakes devoured by vermin Fell from the twisted trees with black odours! I should have liked to show to children those dolphins Of blue wave, those golden, those singing fishes. - Foam of flowers rocked my driftings And at times ineffable winds would lend me wings. Sometimes, a martyr weary of poles and zones, The sea whose sobs sweetened my rollings Lifted its shadow-flowers with their yellow sucking disks toward me And I hung there like a kneeling woman... Almost an island, tossing on my beaches the brawls And droppings of pale-eyed, clamouring bird, And I was scudding along when across my frayed cordage Drowned men sank backwards into sleep! But now now I, a boat lost under the hair of coves, Hurled by the hurricane into the birdless ether, I, whose wreck, dead-drunk and sodden with water, neither Monitor nor Hanse ships would have fished up; Free, smoking, risen from violet fogs, I who bored through the wall of the reddening sky Which bears a sweetmeat good poets find delicious, Lichens of sunlight mixed with azure snot, Who ran, speckled with lunula of electricity, A crazy plank, with black sea-horses for escort, When Julys would crush with cudgel blows Skies of ultramarine into burning funnels; I who trembled, to feel at fifty leagues' distance The groans of Behemoth's rutting, and of the dense Maelstroms Eternal spinner of blue immobilities I long for Europe with it's aged old parapets! I have seen archipelagos of stars! and islands Whose delirious skies are open to sailors: - Do you sleep, are you exiled in those bottomless nights, Million golden birds, O Life Force of the future? - But, truly, I have wept too much! The Dawns are heartbreaking. Every moon is atrocious and every sun bitter: Sharp love has swollen me up with heady langours. O let my keel split! O let me sink to the bottom! If there is one water in Europe I want, it is the Dark cold pool where into the scented twilight A child squatting full of sadness, launches A boat as fragile as a butterfly in May. I can no more, bathe in your langours, O waves, Sail in the wake of the carriers of cottons, Nor undergo the pride of the flags and pennants, Nor pull past the horrible eyes of the hulks. xxix ever is there when ever timeless the in through see: i feel so in love so poetic yet i need to i feel more prose as certain things arose - perhaps it is her mentioning crisis at midnight a few days ago...or that erotic vision... my own business, mob it is not mine or anyone's affair - i simply debrief myself as a writer writing... i solely get emotional as what they call now a pronoun in lust-love yes, i hear judgements and even hostility as if i were a saint that could summon her or a slut stud that could command her neither nor either her being at twentytwo older than my recent adorations i cannot expect to be surprised by bullies echoing guns and roses as if unlocking the door to some email laundry party... no i don't know how to protect her entirely and i get blinded by jealousy irrational jealousy in a manner of speaking... obviously i ain't going to plastic surgery tonkin myself into pheobe...i went to sleep in the late afternoon thinking up at midnight. dream of her in a vague felt like the bath, imagining there we are but suddenly famine family how can i ever explain that i sense doing kitchen work is murdering my unborn offspring - when she started at the salon she said she needed the spring later i found a coiled metal in mattress i am not sure how it should arrive in thoughts so now so me, we live in a post-modern hookup friends with beans fit drug divorce knife firearm destruction so allow me to deconstruct it thus i want her fidelity but it is mine me saying yes to her is not her agreement - the deal is just like that...although how high i feel when it files mutual. ohio calls but i wonder why omaha mali-gnant burundi rimbaud in the slavery business, i left in the car horn about 'Whose delirious skies are open to sailors...' bc it was all in one take & the stanza concludes with 'life force of the future' then i felt as if arthur had himself intended it like that - i first translated that poem for mother a long scotch tape scroll given years ago... that is to say we were acquainted... i sat beauty portrait on my knee and found her bitter... i suppose some will gaze at "we will fry your balls in olive oil" and think it is melting as they near... or maybe it was only knowing that i was headed into this liner note which again nearly missed telling that usually it was li po in terms of exile's letter as it was peking peek now li bai ahem beijing... looking at it now i see her in the snow with a side smile and twirl and only desire to make more explorations into portraits of her... apologies to all i have not given proper attention to in my obsession, i am under a spell as you can tell by how the words spill ever is there when ever timeless the in through sea waves and stories not salvation still drool saliva ever is there when ever timeless the in through see. xxx if you arrived after the fact to scroll down for a song, mentioned please note we only keep one for a while currently, im thru with love. here are the lyrics for "fix vein's due" and "lemures" fix vein's due she keep sayin i love you but it ain't to me i'm tore down lonesome it's true got cigarette ashes in my tea she keep sayin i love you but it ain't to me dead horse no trace of glue stuck on her like a praying man on bended knee she keep sayin i love you but it ain't to me it's a long road and my fix vein's due luck on my side but it had to pee i̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶r̶y̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶s̶a̶d̶d̶l̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶a̶ ̶t̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶b̶l̶u̶e̶ ̶ w̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶n̶ ̶a̶i̶n̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶f̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶k̶e̶e̶p̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶i̶n̶ ̶i̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶a̶i̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶e̶ she keep sayin i love you but it ain't to me she's cryin over slavery crying over the government flu oh them tears and the dead kennedys don't mean a thing to me she keep sayin i love you wouldn't you know it ain't to me she keep sayin i love you i love you ugh but it ain't to me she keep sayin i love you i love you oh it ain't to me she keep sayin i love you i love you i love you so but it ain't to me... ________________________________________ LEMURES lamia, oh lamia, It’s for your sake alone, I’ve thirsted for blood, yeah i'm cold like a stone. I’ve lived a thousand years, To weep and to mourn, I am a vampire's child, where demon virgins moan . hera took her offspring, their sunken eyes enslaved in clouds, That made lamia a blizzard, That took me from the crowds: i still feel the snow, cold white as a dog licked bone, I am a vampire's child, where the angels have no throne. I’ve built this floating castle , beyond jurisdiction, Where I can see my lover, like a dream like an addiction: Where I can hear the poets, recite from their gravestone, I am a vampire's child, wed to bloodlust alone... xxxi five fifteen, always think of that who song out of my mind - "The ushers are sniffing Eau-de-coloning The seats are seductive Celibate sitting" but it's the date not the hour or train. try a little tenderness redding munro... wake to that echo having wedding picture dream girl getting rib tattoo then girl topless giving head how did he get the hat back in bell book and candle after breaking off the marriage... the contradiction at not liking porn yet feeling an obligation to know as it trends gives me a sort of migraine of the soul... i talk to senile mother going off on a rant against psycho logy, i suppose i'm right but maybe too explosive - three in the morning now sorrow mixed with confusion even skirt is quiet... guys look at the earrings i just made- cat likes to speak when i slide out my sleep room - the cannes fires up its engines... but i'm hoping for the next polanski film. emilee re-styled nails in blue and white ribbons i thought were lace - race through hours in some weird worry... possibly knowing the impossibilty of holding her hand, now when i need it most. tilly i mean that figuratively. man woman or teen how i hate that beatles song now... as i type i feel the intrusion either locals or so called next of kin or most likely locals pretending it is kinning oh i have not invited cleveland 'Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin' We're finally on our own This summer I hear the drummin' Four dead in Ohio'... xxxii loaded lock, undone by poem near done - to shut index browser - he rewrites nothing as good as first take yet he has some of it in iron butterfly how sad. his sadness in the movie... witches and warlocks won't weep- how can she mean so much to his him the latest informant claims it stems from sixteen oh five the same meal five x a day maybe why he heard it in dream... he only eats once a day perhaps a snack I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. they say predestined ordained sixty six founding year of church of... sat- an twin flame soul mates what a mess meanwhile is it leave me alone to keep a stay not even she is able to lower his rebel flag James Innes Randolph Jr. no tri umph leads to hours long no song extended scrabble game an a gram sniff nostril guess air twirl hair-yes even fair is foul has its places aces he should be celebrating one of his new hit songs instead of living in dark eyes - How I love you, how I fear you, It seems I met you in an unlucky hour! no not 1874 the empire burlesque I feel nothing for their game where beauty goes unrecognized All I feel is heat and flame and all I see are dark eyes he sleeps he naps he snaps at visions ...he finds faith yet tells her the kerouac mind is too vast now translated as tv mind like a commercial interruption reserved for emilee still he appreciates the hallucination thinking however what if the spirit world is like freshman universe fake idea at fashion bar he can feel her there with him but the motley crew cuts in like static - makes him smoke more than he indent intend in the end yeah he simply can't figure if this extemporanous second draft is near enough to going across the ocean with grandfather edwin Treason has done his worst: nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing, Can touch him further. we mow down one of the lesser prime ministers with rap rounds fee echo wrap nothing but proverbial net spa soap face rylee extremely sexy for a wednesday. alexandra locked out climbs spandex into window. but he's thinking why would a grown woman tell an "ethnic" gru op to kick the fucking door dow...n. harpers reports americans were more content in 2020 he wonders if any of his fell owl merickins realize how many repeat episodes of the sitcom presidency they have been put placed through true story so sorry his mind a jigsaw puddle puzzle near tears anytime there is a tear in the logic of her yet his thoughts jet plunder peace at her imagined presence precisely then he thought; also - as if he didn't have enough aint it thoughts paint it painted lit - that railroad dream right there with her as she disappeared was only saying from the scot lariat bring the rope The only way you'll hang is by the neck Nigga, bolt off the set- the only word he frowns upon now is bet, used to be bovine... in a moo calf sense leather wip how was that for us ah to be safely thus... excuse him he's an excitable boy they can always half argue over the werewolf and the pants over the moon is it too soon does he ultimatum only to cower at her tower tips are welcome i come grimalkin not to mention the unmentionable emotion of losing an aunt and mother as if a coordinated double tap irony spat upon face it slowly Nobody wants to do the crazy things we used to do before this took an hour wilted is the flower oh how i wanted it to be those original petals... manuscripts don't burn he won't real true grit know until reading it back at some other our... what the hell it's the lyric to bat outta hell - And no one's gonna stop me now, I'm gonna make my escape But I can't stop thinking of you And I never see the sudden curve 'til it's way too late which he always heard or sang along to instead side arm curve arm side is her name indeed can't stop a stupid man in a suit of smoke. he recalls his own line, floor of ashes but he is not certain how to steal from himself - at the very let there be light here it was 'a person in love is stealing, what else keeps the image' from one of his later poems - lay teaser pose a promise is a promise we believe his sorrow aside from the obvious is rooted in the fact that his deal is far from fair. fair from far, far away and over the hills thrills that await further thrills still. post-script spasibo bulgakov, what actually went down was yet in the secondary set of pages yeah here is how it was meant to go:)) gee or jee, he was awful sad out of my mind - in the film witches and warlocks don't weep he sleeps he eats he naps he wonders how. does she rly mean so much... the last informant claims it was preordained a twin flame soul mate he thinks (I have thee not, and yet I see thee still) sixteen oh five maybe that is why he heard the dream say same meal five times a day... sixty six he eats once perhaps a snack founding date of the church of sat- an he's lost in an extended scrabble an a gram of sniff nostril guess air heart of glass... did he eat of the insane root going off on leave me alone then don't leave me alone- tri umph, but she must know not even she is able to lower his rebel flag- James Innes Randolph Jr he is right about not knowing if spiritually- fake ids are a thing like freshman universe pub- dang kerouac's vast mind... turned into tv mind. tea vision faith i caint cheat he says to her - reserved for emilee... revising the expanding jigsaw puddle puzzle splish splash he was supposed to be celebrating one of his hit songs... instead dark eyes How I love you, how I fear you, It seems I met you in an unlucky hour! no not 1874 the empire burlesque But I feel nothing for their game where beauty goes unrecognized All I feel is heat and flame and all I see are dark eyes... he listens again with grandfather edwin Treason has done his worst: nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing, Can touch him further. i see now the railroad dream was not maybe my insecurity a scot lariat bring the rope... ________________________ footnote - psycho log aside from having no basis in scientific fact is useless to infants, never did baby cradle cry for therapy, pointless in third world poverty or even trailer park cities, only the affluent might throw their savings away for a couch chat, and then in the wicked old people what good is psy cho gee or even psy cry a tree if dementia climbs? rhetorical, democrats are in cum bent but that presidency revved up since oh nine except for the trump card apprentice shuffle nearly similar to bush since ninety three with clinton head commercial preceeded by double R after the cartel noone can deny ford was merely shadow nixon and johnson ghost kennedy the three before somehow ruled from thirty three to sixty one, is it not weird or am i wrong? 'You don't impress me, and your office don't impress me, and your family don't impress me. Bunch of rumrunners. And I don't need 300 million dollars and my brother elected President to whop your fuckin' ass, you slimy little prick! I beat your ass, on that trumped-up charge down south, I'm gonna beat you again!' regular scheduled programming will return asap - _____________________________ emilee i don't mean to be so intense, even if forever is a pretty long while. my love goes with these words, alpha lesbian. I would applaud thee to the very echo, That should applaud again. xxxiii (it was thursday which felt like a sunday in contrast a dozen soviet leaders in the same time frame... i dunno why i went third person into pluralities so to subtract the vices there has been more diversity in moscow than new york) or washington... that is where i remember emilee in the snow - love that vibe face grin listening to pupil in oak chair pose i can't escape it even viewing late night with the devil (film gets a few things very correctly right) i try to save her by playing my ten scales later greeted by her in the silky azure top she looks thin and not carefree i say to myself it's the blouse from you have nothing to be ashamed of yet it is also the costume from these are my sisters crumblin' reading the words back, i'm overwhelmed by how clearly meatloaf rises in ear memory possibly for once upon a time i don't want no pickle i just wannna ride on my motorcycle looking at sky instead of road crashed into a ditch... i figured, since it is dressy, she is going out. i shave, slip into sleep - a strange sensation that her aunt betrayed her... i dream in another language woman with boy there implying to the kid be nice to her... obvious invasion of body snatcher day before also a scene in that speaking pretty woman something about shopping - baffled, puzzlin' evidence...mystery achievement - i turn in bed i return to bleeding soul in scene fulfilled it is her, well pictures of her yet luminous, lovely just like i imagine... for a minute i am extremely satisfied. ride dream into subway train, estimating the walk from wall street to times square circle no question, no direction home - ludivine then in her house, i guess she heard me thinking of swimming pool paranoia is keira trying to kill me outta envy - even the wristwatches seem vague gerard is packing gifts, i don't know don't have as good a french memory as hollywood but yeah in that two part masterpiece they were sort of co-stars - zodiac devilish emilee recall... post with gothic chanting, enchanting - anyway i awake to wear the worry that perhaps all this thinking of her is too much, yet in the untangible me i know it is only the way i am maybe even the way she wants me. if she would. xxxiv (eight saturday teen felt like a frying says table sayeth dream a technicolor cinemath i couldn't count... division mind breathing the cut down birnam forest so to dunsinane thinking not stopping till they all smash heart shaped eye emo gee) is it a quiz life questions don't quit- when life gives you lemons the file of thelma no reel asian to thelema to thine own do what thy will till furniture porn field (six tee yards d/same bird) i haitian python-anywhere pray to saint anne heche jet lag, the dead travel fast no even faster than that i'm in volusia, i'm in manhattan i'm in cannes half blind from the bills of flash photography i'm here and in moscow not to mention london it is not heresy and i will not recant can't confirm rejuvenatin' pope with the flesh of pervert priests chopped up in rome basement so six stops lesson you count seven dorothy ozzy kansas gall bladderless sibling pictures me with the president of the south american nick cage fan club - dearly departing aunt to be precise but it irks me lika tattoo in reverse leica it werent a gift feeling but a graft thieving i even confuse emilee with emily stones undercover of the night we got nothing to prove it's pretty lib ear aint it liberating, funny i feel no freedom, hounded - can't have me no woman don't want me no man i'm happy emilee had a nice brekkie leads one to askkk why keep me from my own her mind imagine imagination barbwire girl in a barbwire world driver and car all up in flames suddenly some other alice emails i axe plain i'm taken dylan asked if you can read my mind why must i speak silence is what ate tits i only have eyes for tits, i mean you. yeah i could or should quotation mark or punctuate yet i fear drowning in form as i swim - nevertheless spam quote "keira sent you a booty call" peach emoji tween y and c whine and sea the argument goes i got you those gloves reminds me of dead ringers, hi rachel smh, i question if i am coming off as trivial - my stance is serious cyrus the climb at this point in the journey i suppose something is detached the house itself not being shakespeare or at the globe i don't much enjoy repeating but i sense i have to sneeze it again bless you all but in the present i'm only pondering emilee grant goodness gracious great balls of fire penis i hate all men 'So there I was sitting in front of Jed's store over in Cunt Lick my peter standing up straight as a jack pine under my Levis just a-pulsin' in the sun ...' restore myself to barbie as princess and pauper i won't admit listening to man woman or teen i can feel that heat closing in put the groceries away rice onions skirt overdosing on the chicken barbara stanwyck fading out streisand i didn't mention but now that dream wherein i saw her egh not bs standing by the fridge dirt on one of her shoulders a stranger reaching a touch me picking up chair to strike him away awaking to a baffled morning i didn't wroted since the idea seemed local not locatable yet now it seems to be locked in with what i have felt as repercussions "Seems," madam? Nay, it is; I know not "seems." is the rest silence? bra speaks tits there's a nipple to this curve but you will nibble it out of context everywhich way but cut from the fact the innocent fact that i love all her faces, and this traces that oath - races away from both night and day, into beyond. ya ever burn a nigger? and strolling minstrels play but i'd rather be in my library reading science books all day lilly lets out mr wiggles as if to harmonize mr wiggens is obituarized yes, emilee, i nearly did party but i promise it wasn't no ball darn imaginary promises poses the memory mid sentence like boo hoo rating the act mostly in mids i believe the only time filmed walking out to lunch from lucky cat gas station guy if you recall i suspect that hubris led to missing bath and bail baph O! met i hope the state of flow rid expunges before my cosmas and damian coughs didn't you know it she's with stupid lamb's lahar here ink on his arm 'the crazy will of margaret thatcher that they've all got' french drawing soraya stuck on new testament book of revelations tune turning it into collage was it lara (in case i missed any mayhem; you don't want to sell me death sticks you want to go home and rethink your life) what the fuck is star wars about in a motorola galaxy far away he switches index page to 2024 quickly opting to exterminate with extreme prejudice to exterminate all rational thought - dear floridian who once upon atime vibed heavily in the snow, should've said it like yesr ago & everytike eye think about it( i am yours - even if pregnant with fat belly and fuller thighs. i am yours - as you would want. i am yours - i am) ____________________________________ end of ides of march notes 18 may ___________________________________________ prelude letter and poem /post script 20 may ___________________________________________ dear vulkan it is the twentieth of may - as i sit here, head melting, after sex melting, surrounded by smoke and thoughts of my beloved emilee at the end of the book - ah yes hail before you look, through the clock's delay at my promised song know that i gave your wife two covers and while hopefully painting mine, caravaggio said it was whispered to him even before macbeth of real witch bard so perhaps mutual, look at the boy bit by lizard - then two baby reptilians on my floor slide lavatory as if replacing Kleenex ants therefore not elvis but you are the fountain source father in a sense constant avalanche further savage in ibu indonesian crimson purple photograph insane press rivals gerhardt richter center for volcanology and geological hazard mitigation handout words nobody uses yet enough prelude let me poem magical deity underworld plumed red; the skies' little clouds are made mere bridges upon your landslide said molten with ash ash ash so nothing flies, nothing lies fire ropes spew as if lords themselves /i here humble mumble to have your minute a few seconds more in destruction praise a mayakovsky cat purring no copy at your altar unfurled every any place soared where my promised verses myth beatnik fee line howl port of saints forgiveness i beg distracted by her lava tail and "abigail" stealing my stack of rotting corpses scream gang hammered scam patterns sterling i watch them force a man to retire yet as your child planted like a mountain upon eras beyond epoch i do not rumble dollars of death will come when they will and then if you are native we shall kill! yet remaining pure a hundred years from now or a thousand to glance back at the prodco dinosaur that dared bring it on four a mere million arriflex illion the hex till none flex there then now as for the welded girl this fire implores you to make her trillion see we were wroted before genesis and after revelations in the book here i say it is her, since infancy yet i learn it (as also myself in spirt womb'ed) debris umbilical chords i couldn't music for my days and nights were dedicated to love's addiction into the mystic into rivers into seas where they even try to drown your highness with vlc players ha! the UN itself a power walk to stop your talk bustle hawk oh! i did say few seconds only a minute... brevity soul wit bewitched by virgin foam of living wagering on death sometimes i feel the world is blind to me but i am only bound to you and love so take my leaving word and hail once more... as i learned from wagner himself-healing only a drum's beat-light raised pretty high into every any place sword where valkyrie eternal.
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